Demystifying Digital Transformation

Why is Digital Transformation so confusing?

For such a popular business topic, it’s surprising how often digital transformation is misunderstood. One reason is because the term can describe the aim, experience and outcome:

  • Objective: We need to digitally transform.

  • Process: We are conducting a digital transformation.

  • Result: We have been digitally transformed.

Secondly, digital is multifaceted - a broad field of work where different people have different perspectives. Some quickly reference technology like cloud or software-as-a-service. Others focus on process; agile and digital service design. Then there’s data, mobile, social, search etc… In fact it’s unlikely that two digital specialists will provide the same definition for digital transformation.

Until recently, if you were to ask Google - this would be the result:

Confused? So was I.

Digital, digital everywhere

Not helping matters is the word digital given that it comprises over a thousand phrases; digital media, digital economy, digital currency, digital camera, digital footprint, digital… anything and everything! When it comes to digital platforms it’s difficult to know where to start. With around 8000 leading platforms in the marketing space alone - digital transformation represents almost unlimited choice.

With so many different angles to digital and so much choice, it’s no wonder that some strategists elect to specialise in digital transformation, to help business leaders understand their options.

Working definition of digital transformation:

Digital transformation is a process that closes the gap between modern customer expectations, and what an organisation can actually deliver:

Definition of digital transformation

Digital panic

Occasionally I am asked to review struggling transformation projects. In such instances, this working definition of the phrase digital panic can apply:

Working definition of digital panic prepared by MIT Center for Information Systems Research.

Working definition of digital panic prepared by MIT Center for Information Systems Research.


Need further support?

I offer confidential consulting sessions and orientation presentations on a range of digital subjects, to help leaders and their teams build their knowledge.

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“Ian worked as a specialist digital mentor and was quite frankly, brilliant. From inspiring talks to practical hands-on support, his attitude and demeanour make working with him an absolute pleasure.”

— Julie Ollerton, Founder of Two+Two. Non-Exec Chair of Project Inc.

Smart Phone Ground

It occurred to me on a nature walk that no matter how complex we make technology, it all comes from the same earth we do. Good to remember during a tech-fail — that the tech in your hand was found in the ground.